Have you ever wanted a small farm? Did you want 3 kids? Do you work a full-time job? I would be willing to bet most of you answered yes to all these. Now could you ever imagine doing it all while your spouse is gone for days at a time? My wife is a saint!
Ever since we bought this place I have been an over-the-road driver. That left all the responsibilities up to my wife! I just recently stepped out of the truck and, holy crap!!! I have no clue how she handled everything all while working full-time.
Now I’m the kid wrangler
I’m not saying I don’t have a job now but I work from home. Before now it was all on her shoulders while I was in the truck 3-4 days a week. How in the world did she get all the kids wrangled up and out the door for work everyday! Now I’m the one that gets everyone ready for the day and most of the time it’s hard for me to even remember to put pants on! How in the world did she handle all this and still make it to work on time?
For all you moms out there that handle it all everyday, my hat’s off to you. Most of the time I can’t even find my hat! Even outside the kids, there was still grain and hay that needed to be fed everyday. She had eggs to be collected and washed and chickens to be fed. For half of the year basically, my wife took on all these tasks in freezing temps too! My wife is a saint!
Farm Mom
Now I know I’m going to hear about all the farm and ranch wives out there that have been doing this for generations. Well we’re not an older generation and I’m not sure my wife completely understood what she was signing up for. Even on a few occasions she has even helped me sort cattle in all kinds of weather and whenever is needed.
One perfect example of this is one night when we were walking out the door to take her mom to dinner. It had been raining all day and as we got in the car we noticed all the mamma cows were in with the feeder calves. So without hesitation she went right with me to sort cattle. She ran a gate, while I sorted, like she had been doing it for years! There was even minimal cussing and no yelling!!! There was only one mishap was when she juked to cut off a cow and she should’ve jived. After all that rain and her juke move, she ended up slipping and laying on her back in the mud and water. No complaints though, just a change of clothes and a stiff drink at the restaurant.
She Has Another Job?!?!
Oh, I almost forgot to mention that she works at her sister’s accounting firm during tax season, on top of her full-time job. That makes calving season extra hectic. Every weekend she is helping file taxes and I get to try to catch up on things around here and watch all 3 of my wild boys.
Sometimes her part-time job does take a back seat to the farm though. I had a cow calve way out in the snow on a 5 degree morning. You probably read about most of this in “The First Calf of 2021” post. Luckily she was able to stay home longer that morning and help watch the boys and also help me keep that calf alive. Without her there is a good chance I wouldn’t have made it to that calf fast enough to keep it from freezing. My wife is a saint! Even though I had everything I needed to help the calf, it’s just impossible to be outside that long with all the boys in the house by themselves.
I’m sure every trucker dad would agree, we would never have anything at home without a rock-solid wife. I learned from my parents that it takes a special kind of woman to put up with a man on the road. So next time your wife wants a girls night or just a glass of wine after a long day, I’m sure she deserves it!!! Until next time, remember to order SK Leather and eat beef.